In August 2024, four brave members of our team embarked on a week-long cycling challenge, starting from our London office (Brixton), all the way to one of our top-selling ski resorts in France, Val d’Isère, in aid of our fantastic charity partner, Snow Sports Foundation.

The Challenge

With a fundraising target of £5,000 in mind, the challenge was to cycle an average of 130km per day, to reach Val d’Isère by the end of the week. The journey totalled more than 1,000km in distance and over 10,000m of elevation (just above the height of Everest!). The challenge was both mentally and physically demanding, but the team were determined to reach the top, and smash their fundraising target.

The Challenge

Our ‘Why’

The reason behind the challenge was to raise money for the Snow Sports Foundation (SSF), our incredible charity partner that delivers life-changing snow sports experiences to people with additional needs, disabilities, and financial hardship. Through the power of skiing, SSF helps to develop their student’s emotional, physical, and mental well-being. We are proud to be able to help as many people as possible to experience the magic of the slopes.

”We are so grateful for the funding we receive as it not only benefits the funded individuals in the development of their own life skills, but also enhances their family, school, and social environments.” – Snow Sports Foundation

Our 'Why'

Meet The Team

Four member’s of the Ski Solutions team were brave enough to take on this enormous challenge.

Here’s an introduction to them, and what their thoughts were ahead of the challenge.

Ian – Managing Director

”I’d describe myself as a keen cyclist, I grew up exploring the beautiful Northern Irish countryside on my bike. As a commuter, I also cycle to work regularly, but this trip is a whole new level of challenge! I’m excited but a little petrified at the same time!”

Murray – Head of Client Services

”I am an avid cyclist with experience in endurance bikepacking. I’m particularly looking forward to tackling some of the iconic Tour de France routes as we reach the Alps.”

James – Cycling Operations Manager

”I previously worked as a cycling tour operator in the Alps, and I have done a few long-distance cycling challenges myself. I’m excited to reconnect with some of the routes that I used to enjoy, as well as taking on The Alps.”

Ewan – Senior Account Manager

”I am the novice of the group, having only bought my first road bike last summer! Through commuting, I have cycled around London for five years on a single speed, but now I want a challenge to get fit again. Who wouldn’t want to cycle 600 miles, climbing more than 9,000m through The Alps, in a week?!

Meet The Team

The Route

On Friday 23 August, the team cycled to the ferry port at Newhaven, crossing over to Dieppe, skirting North-East of Paris and South-East towards the Swiss border and Lake Annecy. They then picked up the Route des Grandes Alpes, riding from the Beaufortain range into the Tarentaise valley. On the final day, the team faced two major climbs. The first up to the Cormet de Roselend (1,968m) perched above the lake, before descending into Bourg-Saint-Maurice and then climbing up past Tignes Lake to Val d’Isère.

The Route

The Result

From the team and everybody at Ski Solutions, we would like to say thank you so much to everyone who donated. The support has been incredible, with donations from family, friends, corporate partners, clients and even members of the public who spotted the team on the road! We have raised more than £6,000 in total, which we had the pleasure of presenting in person to Richard, Founder of the Snow Sports Foundation. Every penny will go towards helping those with additional needs to experience the slopes. We are also proud to share, as part of our continued partnership with SSF, that we are donating £1 per passenger for every tailor-made ski holiday booked with us. We are passionate about this ongoing mission to make the slopes as inclusive as possible.

The Result

Find out more about our partnership with SSF, or donate here.

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